Written By J. Dagenais
Startups are hard.
If you are running one right now, you're thinking 'Yeah, no guff!?'
There are hundreds of things you need to contemplate, learn, and solve ...all concurrently when venturing out with a new company, yet it often takes only one variable to go sideways, and the whole thing can come crashing down. The idea is good, but can I make money at it? What profit margin can I achieve? Who do I contact to make this? How do I raise money? If I bring on a partner, what should I consider? How much is my company worth when I don't have any sales? How do I forecast how much I will make this year? When is the right time to go to the market with my product? So you hunker down and start researching, networking, googling, chat, GPT and any other resources you can muster up to answer these questions as quickly as possible. The problems, questions and changes that come at you are endless and relentless.
Endless Juggling
It reminds me of that clown you see at the circus who has that little act of spinning a plate on a pole where he starts with four, then five and nine then up to 18 plates, all spinning concurrently so they keep their balance. Then he's running around constantly just trying to maintain the balance and the spin to keep them from crashing to the ground.
The only difference is that the clown is usually very good at purposely spinning some plates very fast so they sustain a long time and purposely give a light touch to others to give the drama like they are about to fall. In reality, he knows what he's doing, but gives the illusion that it is chaos and hardly in control. Unfortunately the clowns act is more of a reality in entrepreneurship.
Unfortunately, there is no book that comes falling out of the sky that gives the ABC's of how to start a company, but with enough resources to surround yourself, and if you have a good baseline business model, you may just have a chance.
If this resonates with you, check out some of my blogs. I've been through this myself, and I've made arguably every mistake there is to make in business. With the blessing of many great mentors and guidance and feedback from esteemed professionals over the decades, coupled with learning and leveraging my scar tissue, I have accumulated a strong baseline on an effective approach of growing in building a company, step-by-step. I've helped dozens of companies grow and evolve and often pivot to turn their company into a failing business venture, to a cash flow positive growing success.
If you would like to learn more or would just like some insight on your business, reach out to us, or leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!